Faith Based Animated Movies for Kids on Crossflix
We all know that making kids sit and watch anything is a very hard job to do. These days one thing that has fully consumed the little kids is the cartoons and the animated stuff and those things have highly influenced the minds of the kids. Watching cartoons means so much to the kids and it really fascinates them as it is very colorful and the characters also really attract their attention.
Well, crossflix which is known for the largest collection of faith-based movies, Christian movie, and also has animated biblical movies for kids’ education. This movie helps the little kids to know about faith and God in their early age. Some of the movies that you can make your kids watch on crossflix are;
Lion Of Judah

The lion of Judah is a heart-warming account of the Easter story as seen through the eyes of a lovable pig, a faint-hearted horse, a pedantic rat, a rambling rooster, a motherly cow, and a downtrodden donkey.
Noah’s Incredible Voyage

Noah’s incredible voyage is a movie based on Noah’s life and how he built an ark according to the word of God. Noah, his family and the pair of all the animals of the earth was saved when God flooded the land with water leaving all the sinful people to their death. Noah was saved as he was righteous and had found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
Jesus amazing Miracle

Jesus performs many miracles and cures many people due to their strong and firm faith. He even brings back the dead to life, so let kids know that our God is powerful, loving and mighty than all other living things on this planet. This movie will also let them know that God loves his people in spite of their sins if they trust and believe he is the one and true God.
The messenger

It is a movie that is based on the small band of early Christian believers as they boldly proclaim Christ and His message in the face of great opposition resulting in the growth of the church and the unexpected conversion of its most zealous enemy. It is based in the book of Acts of the Apostles.
These were few of the animated movies that the parents can find for their kids on crossflix. To see more movies and know about the crossflix visit here.